Even if you and your spouse are not on good terms, a collaborative approach to your divorce may be right for you. Attorney Morris is committed to finding the best method to resolve your dispute, whether it ends up in a courtroom or in mediation.
Why choose family law mediation to reach a final divorce settlement?
There are many benefits of divorce mediation, including:
- When you litigate a divorce, the judge gets the final say over matters like child custody, alimony, child support and property division. Mediation puts you and your spouse in the driver's seat and allows for creative resolutions that a judge may not approve if presented in court.
- Mediation is often less expensive than trial because you can skip the lengthy discovery process and the cost of paying two lawyers. When you avoid the costs of litigation, it leaves more assets to divide fairly between you and your spouse.
- The mediation process is often less time-consuming than an extensive trial.
- Mediation is completely voluntary and completely confidential. Nothing you say in mediation can leave the room or be used as evidence in the event of a trial. And it takes place in a safe, comfortable environment — not in the trenches of public family courtrooms.
Unmarried couples can also benefit from family law mediation. Even when couples do not need a divorce, mediation can help resolve questions of child custody and support. We work with families of all shapes, sizes and structures to reach fair and reasonable resolutions.
Contact Our Cape Cod Divorce Mediator
Attorney Morris has 20 years of experience in family law and is a skilled, respected Cape Code divorce mediator. As a proven litigator and mediator, he has a thorough knowledge of the divorce process from all angles. He can help you and your spouse reach a separation agreement that will accomplish your major goals and hold up in court.
Please call the office in Sandwich, Massachusetts, at 508-833-2622 to schedule a free initial consultation to determine whether mediation may be right for you.